Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Tall Woman by Pedro Antônio de Alarcon - a free horror story

Many evil creatures exist and we are fortune not to encounter them. However, when an evil being enters our lives, our misery can be unimaginable. Such is the case in The Tall Woman by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon. Listen to Gabriel's tale and lend him what sympathy you can. Also pray that you never share his experience.

Español: Retrato de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Español: Retrato de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Unholy Embrace  is a swift paced, action-packed novel about the relationship between a mortal man and his immortal female vampire lover as they fight werewolves, vampires, and other creatures in their effort to kill a soul eating demon.

If this sounds interesting, and I hope it does, please follow the link and read the reviews on Amazon.

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