Monday, May 31, 2010

Undead Embrace - vampire poem by Neil Benson

Whenever I run,
wherever I hide,
your dark presence finds me.

It fills me with fear.
It fills me with joy.
I try to resist you,
but my will always fails me.

I am drawn back to you,
across distance and time.
Memories of pleasures,
no mortal could imagine.
Feelings of pain,
no mortal could endure.

My resistance is fading,
closer I come.
Your dark Castle in front of me,
where you've lived for all time.

I go to your chamber,
to submit to your will.
Your perfect face before me,
a goddess of death.

Your pale white lips,
and dark blue eyes,
draw me to your netherworld.
Your mind caresses my cheek,
and strokes my body,
until I am aflame.

Closer you come,
and I show you my neck,
Ecstasy overwhelms me,

1 comment:

  1. The depiction was vivid, which is good. I'm more of a fan of vague when it comes to poetry as it leads more for interpretation, but that isn't to say that is the only way to go about it. After all, poetry is about expressing, and judging from this you don't have a problem doing that.
